By virtue of the authority vested by the Constitution of Virginia in the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, there is hereby officially recognized:
Correctional Officers' Week

WHEREAS, correctional officers are responsible for supervising inmates in local, state, and regional correctional facilities across the Commonwealth; and
WHEREAS, correctional officers effectively promote the safety of all Virginians by supervising inmate conduct to avoid behavior conflicts, escapes, and the introduction of drugs and contraband into facilities; and
WHEREAS, correctional officers often go above and beyond serving the facilities in which they work and assisting the community at large; and
WHEREAS, correctional officers are highly trained and dedicated to fostering positive outcomes through their assistance with inmate treatment and rehabilitation programs which improve the success of inmates post release; and
WHEREAS, correctional officers are crucial to the statewide re-entry initiative and reducing recidivism, playing a critical role in preparing inmates for successful assimilation into their communities after release; and
WHEREAS, correctional officers strive to maintain a safe working and living environment in correctional facilities throughout the Commonwealth, often in the face of significant challenges and dangers; and
WHEREAS, National Correctional Officers’ Week was first proclaimed on May 5, 1984, by President Ronald Reagan to recognize the men and women who work in jails, prisons, and community corrections across the country; and
WHEREAS, Correctional Officers’ Week offers an opportunity to acknowledge and honor Virginia’s correctional officers for the vital contributions they make each day and for the sacrifices they make to protect the citizens of our great Commonwealth;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Glenn Youngkin, do hereby recognize May 5-11, 2024, as CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS’ WEEK in our COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens.